engineers and industry
Visualizations for marketing
Klaas, clever huh, how this sensor talks to the robot’s navigation software.
Wait a minute. What?
I’ll explain it to you quickly. Do you know how GPS works?
I do. But my daughter would say, “Do you see me give a ****?
Oh well, your daughter is not our audience anyway.
True. Your audience are procurement managers, investors, or a government innovation task force. When you start talking about that sensor, you are a darling techie. Very briefly. One second later, they’re as glassy-eyed as everyone else.
O. What should I say instead?
Forget about the specs and features. Show your audience how your technology improves their situation. So that they’ll go “hey, this is about us!”
So what’s the first step?
I interview your experts, make sketches, and tell them how their story lands with me. This way we go beyond the technical specifications and make your work relateable. A little magic seeps in. Nice images of a smarter building, device or system.
Are you sure you understand it all? You’re pretty much an artist, aren’t you?
One with a few years of Electrical Engineering at the Delft University of Technology. I understand techies.
Haha, promise me you’re not making this up. And our sensor module?
To an investor, we say, ‘it’s a magic eye that never fails.’ She’ll understand immediately. And the engineer next to her – who doesn’t like metaphors – picks up the handout and looks up the resolution of the sensor.
Yes, we give different types of readers what they need. Even handouts. Not a single reader can escape.
sales visuals
Driving robots
How it works. Tricky to explain.
How implementation helps your customer? Clear as day.
I see buckets of water everywhere
Ideas and processes: you can’t see them, but you have to talk about them.
present plans
Easy talk
Drawings that start conversations. To show what the future brings.
“The animation Klaas made for us is still fresh in my mind. We came up with a very technical story with many aspects, which he turned into a logical, well-constructed storyline. Nice balance between the technically sound and the accessible. And also: the witty undertone was well received at conventions.”
Maarten Kuiper
Leading Expert at Aveco de Bondt | Dareius | diTTo
“It’s nice how Klaas empathizes and absorbs all that information. Not easy to explain, our technology. Our tech people and sales people are very happy with the visuals. They are beautiful and very employable.”
Erik van Heijningen
As Sales Business Development at Accerion / Unconstrained Robotics
“Klaas is very clever in translating the subject matter to an original display. To my surprise he could give an almost impeccable oral presentation of the content, showing that he completely understood the matter, followed by a clear explanation of why and how he translated this to the proposed display he intended to make.”
Aad Sedee
(Former) Senior coordinator of radiation and nuclear safety at the Ministry of Economic Affairs
About visualisations for marketing
systematic work
Three things to think about when you have visualizations created that should be suitable for a variety of applications.
visual metaphors
Many animations are mere radio spots. How to make the transition to images that stick?
You want to leave out what doesn’t matter. But is that ethical? Which image brings you the right discussion?